Future Absences allow you to enter Absence information (e.g. Vacations, Jury Duty, etc.) for "future" weeks that have NOT been generated yet. This allows you to enter absences for holidays, such as Christmas, months in advance without having to generate all the weeks from, for example, June thru December.
Select the Employees | Future Absences | Single Add/Delete menu option.
or click on the Tool Bar icon .
Select an active employee from the following screen:
Once you've selected an employee, click on the "Add" option, and the system displays the following screen:
Notice that the first "eligible" date is the first date in the first week whose Overtime Schedule has NOT been generated yet. By default, this date is pre-populated for both the Start Date and the End Date and that this employee's normal shift start time and end time have also been pre-populated.
The next step is to select an absence code from the "drop-down" list and changing either the Start Date, End Date, both, or neither, as appropriate for the future absence that you are pre-scheduling for this employee:
Once you've completed those entries, click on the APPLY button, and the screen displays as follows:
Now, when the week containing the date or date range entered is generated, VAC (vacation) entries will automatically be populated for this employee for the date/date range entered.