Year-to-Date OT Differential - YTD by Craft by OSG

Select the Reports | YTD OT Differential | YTD by Craft by OSG main menu option.

The system will then generate a report for the current date and the first OSG in the "drop-down" list for your company or department.  You can then select any OSG (within your company or department) or Area (for a finer breakdown of the information for any Area for your company or department).  

This report displays employees by Craft within the selected OSG in order by their Charged Hours along with their Overtime Differential from the employee with the highest number of charged hours for their Craft:

The purpose of this report is to provide management personnel with a "real-time" analysis of the actual differential between the employee with the least number of overtime hours charged vs. the employee with the most overtime hours charged.  

This allows management to offer additional overtime opportunities to those employees whose year-to-date total hours fall "outside the overtime window" established for a given OSG and Shift Type  (see User Options for more information regarding the parameters for this calculation).