Add or Delete a User Code (ID)


Select the System | System Administrator Options | Update User ID Table option from the main menu.



The system will display the System User Codes table maintenance screen for you to add, update or delete User Codes (IDs) in the system.


The User Code MUST be the Supervisor's Windows Login ID since the system utilizes Windows Authentication in addition to each company or department's User Code table.



Click on the "Add" option to add a new user to enable access to the system and enter their Windows Login ID in the field provided:



The System User Code table requires you to enter the Windows Login ID (if adding a new user), the user's full name, the user's company email address and the user's OSG Group. One or more individuals from each department can be assigned to coordinate all the User Codes for their department.


Contact System Support if you need to assign this "capability" to someone in your department.  


When you click the APPLY button to permanently add the new user to the database, the system automatically displays the Security Access Assignments screen for the new user (this screen can be accessed directly as well, see Security Access Assignments for more information regarding the Security options available):



Note that the User Codes screen allows you to DELETE a user code (for an employee who may have left the company or department).  


The UPDATE option allows you to "update" the user's name, email address and OSG Group which is actually considered an "advanced" option.